Hunter TV Newcastle denied licence.

Hunter TV logo
Hunter TV logo

A sad day today with the news that Newcastle NSW based aspirant open narrowcast TV service, Hunter TV, has been denied a licence by the Australian Communications and Media Authority.

The station is obviously very ready to go, with all of its technical systems in place and tested, and the station only needed to be allocated a licence to be a goer.

The venture also has the support of local politicians, business owners and the Newcastle City Council.

Regional TV Australia says:-

“This is yet another example of the madness going on at the moment. Regional Areas badly need locally run and managed TV and when someone goes to the trouble of trying to get it going, it is denied a chance to get going.

Whether the licences are Community TV or Open Narrowcast TV, both types of licences should be able to be issued to get local TV on the air.

To not issue licences to Regional Areas is just discrimination against Regional viewers. If the major cities can have a locally run TV station, why can’t the regions!”

Story from TelevisionAU about the decision